Monday, August 4, 2008

Freedom to explore

Kobus coached me over a period of twelve weeks, and I can honestly say I gained immeasurably from the experience.
His constant, gentle but persistent encouragement has helped me to take my creative dreams seriously and to take action on their behalf. Although there was structure to the coaching, it also allowed for freedom to explore whatever it was that I was struggling with at the time. This accepting space led me to new insights and the clarity I needed.
Somehow, he urged me to do the work without any blaming and shaming. Seeing as though I tend to react negatively to demands and expectations, his non-judgemental attitude allowed me to find the motivation from within to do the work. His thought-provoking questions were often spot-on, and his suggestions very useful indeed. He re-inforced the need to take daily action toward my dreams.
Mainly, I can say, it was his genuine excitement and belief in my dreams that has helped me. Writing can be a very lonely job, and it was wonderful to have a cheer-leader encouraging me and congratulating me on what I was already doing. I will reread our emails many times throughout the creation of my book. I now feel confident to go it alone, with my inner-coach having been well trained by Kobus.

- Caroline Green, teacher, Johannesburg

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